If you want to leave me your feelings, or write me any comment, feel free to do it here or also in any page you’ll see “Leave a Reply”.
You can also post any comment in the galleries, so if you open any picture you will see them in full screen mode and there you can post anything, like in Facebook.
Namaste Amin! I am glad to be the first person leaving a comment in your new website: I just want to say you THANKS, it has been a pleasure working beside you. You also make me stronger, I encourage you to continue following your dreams. All together will work to make them real.
Hello Amin! We are so happy that your dreams are coming true. We wish you much happiness and continued success and we thank you for the wonderful day we spent with you in Mumbai. We will never forget you! With love, Christi, Larry and Ben
Lots of lovely german greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Amin bhai,
Just finished reading your book last night. Am a reader and read lot of books.
Am a slow reader and so far in my life, have not finished reading any other book within a day.
Your’s is the first book.
Having read your life story… am finding it very hard to even find words to express how
i feel. You are right one can make a movie out of your life and your achievements.
I have always come across such a story only in a fictional book or in a movie. But to
come across my own fellow country man with such a life story is for the first time.
Some parts of your life were very painful for me to read but some parts raised my eyebrows
to learn about your perception of life, your determination to move forward no matter what
turned up in your life, your views about working towards bringing equality within our fellow
citizens, your respect and love and kindness towards your parents and most of all your
mother, your views about God and within such a short time in your life you have achieved
seeing Godliness in all.
Have read many books which talk about how to look at the positive things in your life and
what one needs to do achieve that positivity. But you are a living example of how one can
do it.
I have seen people getting into depression and ending their lives or trying to end their lives.
But you have gone through the worst and are shining bright and fragrantly blossoming like
a flower day by day is like going over the rainbow into God’s dreams for humans.
By the way — Am Mrs. Lorraine Rebello’s neighbor and she is my best friend too. She tells me
that you will be coming over to her house to meet her and her family. Hope am home and
fortunate enough to meet you.
Amin bhai, am not much of a talker or a conversation maker but am good at listening to others
as they speak and I do add in to a conversation if I feel it is necessary. So when I meet you, I
may not have words to say except… hello.
God Bless You Amin bhai. God Bless your Family and all those who have been part of your life
so far.
If we are destined to meet we will meet.
Warm Regards,
Dear Amin,
I recived your book yestarday. I read LIFE IS LIFE I AM BECAUSE OF YOU this night i can’t wait anymore time. At 5.00am my eyes were closing, i stopped, slept a little and something special happen.On early morning I saw your book on the table waiting for me, it was little strange, the book had life, not were moving but with something similar as a especial light, it wasn’t the cover that is very lightly, it was your life, Amin´s life that was calling me.
After i finished the book i can tell you “Now, i needn’t to ask myself anymore how to turn on pain in love” you are teaching it in every page you has written. With exteme sensibility, sincerety, lovely simplicity, with a big, big heart, a heart that is in your hand always to offer it to everybody without excepcions.
You, Amin, has been one of my teacher’s life, Yes, yes, belive me! I have grown with very nice family love, i have gone to University, i have had what i wanted in my life only fighting just a little, but never apreciated the life as a big present till i met Amin five years ago.
I’m so happy finally you get the book, is first step to get Bombai to Barcelona Cafe, a special world for you and your loved Shenasadam homeless children. I will follow to put your dreams with the feet on the land, you know me very well but i will stay with you and your dreams for ever!
Thanks Amin for being like you are, for teaching with your example that life is the best of we have
Your friend,
dear Marta
thank you are very small words for the feelings you have said
but i will still tell you thank you, and this book is because of you.
sahir is the first person who told me to write this book but you are the one who showed me what you have done with your book and for what you wrote for .
you didn’t write this book for you,
you wrote this book for a hospital, to build electricity and I was very surprice and I ask you: marta you are doctor. how you wirte a book?
well it was funny when I asked you, and you said: amin, any one can write a book. so did I.
this book is because of you.
thank you marta to be part of my life and my dreams
your amin with big smile forever
see you soon in bombay
Amin, I was reading the words that Marta has written to you, and I feel exactly the same, thanks to give us always unconditional love, and thanks to teach us to smile always without reason why.
My aunt Nuri has written some words for you:
“Dear Amin,
Now I am reading your book, and although my english is elementary, with the help of a dictionary I understand the sense of your feelings.
It’s a very hard history, but I like very much the way you share it with us. I am sure that you will arrive very far because you are a struggler and a very good example for all of us. Thank you for being as you are!”
Big hugs. Nuri & Aina
Amin!! I finished reading the book some days ago… and I simply loved… every word in every situation makes to think deeply. First, now we know little more about what children live on the streets, second, is amazing how you have transformed all the negative energy that you have received from the situations you have experienced into positive energy in others, and this is not easy at all, is a good practice to teach and spread…and you are a good teacher, loving the simple things, smiling without reason why, loving the nature, not feeding hatred and keep your mind and soul in calm, and especially in never leaving your dreams and objectives. If you can, we can. I’m very very very happy your dreams are coming true and we all can see them growing slowly and strong on a healthy land. All you have done and overcomed is now giving you the peace you deserve.
Big hugs with love! see you soon
Is amazing what your book is arousing in people.
Dear Amin
How do I begin to comment on the life of someone who truly LIVED and continues to do so in the midst of greater challenges each day but say U R GREAT u r an inspiration. I cannot but Thank God for the person Amin is today. I know he was someone full of conviction and he lived those convictions in the midst of the harsh realities of LIFE. Amin your book helped me vividly pen picture each day of ur life on the street. I was transported to another level of reality which echoed the sentiments of another best seller, Robert Schuller who said TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO. I am confident that each tough day unravels for you greater challenges and that your confidence may inspire many more TO LIVE.
Fr Terence Murray.
Dear Amin,
I’m very proud to have been one of the first person how read your book ” LIFE IS LIFE I AM BECAUSE OF YOU “.
Thanks for sharing with us you life and feelings. Through this book, people have the opportunity to learn and know the great person you are.
I know that all your dreams will come true because you deserve to be a fighter, you always think of each other and you have a very big heart.
Your Riudaura family LOVE YOU soo much.
HI Amin!
Oh Mumbai, a jungle where dreams can be true…
Thanks for sharing your story and feelings, despite awful moments your story is a lesson of love and joy!
I loved how you describe the strong feeling of freedom, it’s strange but I could feel it…
Thanks for the inspiration!
Best wishes for you and our dreams!
Hello Amin,
Meeting you was really the best that hapenned to us in Mumbay.
Thank you for your kindness and all the advices you gived us.
We also read the book, that touch us in our soul.
I wish to come back again and have a drink in “Bombay to Barcelona”
Best wishes from Paris
Laetitia and Adnan
Dear Amin,
from your friends Nikita and Natasha!!!!!!
your book was awesome, so happy to read it. we hope to come to your cafe very soon. always be a blessing to every one. may God bless you
Dear Amin,
I read your book yesterday. Words cannot describe how the book touched me.
May your dream cafe come true very soon!
dear Amin, i’m very happy I had the opportunity to met you, spending sometimes with you within the city…so huge Mumbay city!!!! so big and so impresive to me…. I feel very lucky to have share nice and emotional moments with your friends and family…
You make me visiting the city telling your life and feelings about Mumbay, India, Snehasadan, and it made me see the things totally different from the first time I came in Mumbay..which was very tough if i could say….
So my second stay in mumbay “because of you”… friends and your family, changes my vision and make me feel like more conscious, wanting to know more about your country and people…
I have read your book, and was very impress by the way you simply, in very positive sense, sincerelery and emotionally wrote it.. …simple things, simple feelings simple idea are not so easy to describe or found, but you did it so well !!!!..from the heart very well… !!
So we get in touch and see u soon in barcelona city !!!!!!! sure that you will manage to open you cafe library…..!!!!!! sure !!!!
kiss to you, family and friends i have met during my stay !!!!
see u
HI Amin,
Bombay mumbai Life is life i am because of you is touch in deep heart. It say in real & simple words about the life which was spent on Station in early age. It makes you to think positive and move ahead.
he spent early age life & struggle on bombay’s station where he met some good as well as bad people..it realize how privilege we are.
He have a dream to open a coffee shop which will run by all street children. In this way they can grow them self. This dream is on the way which need your positive response.
It’s simply great book with emotions.
i spent nearly 3 to 4 years with him…where as he always been POSITIVE…….
It is not the length of life but, the depth of life that matters…..
Deepak Zade
Mr. Amin sheikh is really a great man with beautiful thoughts
He touch people’s heart through his words and his work
After reading his book you really can’t imagine what life can be or how
Hard the life can be .
But I think he is really lucky to be surrounded by good people like VIBHA ,
DILIP ,SAHIR and many more people whom he call ANGELS
When I read his book I really had tears in my eyes and my throat was
When you read his book you can feel him in real its like he is explaning
You about his life
I think he is a great person with strong emotions and strong heart to
Survive in this cruel and rude world
But at the same time I think I am lucky too to get an opportiunity to
Read his book and to know him in my life
he plays a very important roll in my life
I will always remember his word and his explanation
has a positive point in my life
So whenever I am going through difficult moments in my life I will not
Quit or even think of it
I will try my best to overcome the scuitaton even thow its not easy
Hello Amin,
Thanks to my dear friend, Noopur Desai, I got the opportunity to read your wonderfully inspiring book, ‘Life Is Life, I Am Because Of You’. The book was a real eye-opener, revealing startling facts about life on the streets of Bombay & how sheer determination & positivity can help an individual overcome any adversity.
I was overwhelmed with emotion as I turned the last page of the book, & I truly salute your spirit & the spirit of all the wonderful people in your life who helped you become the person you are today.
Hello Amin!
My name is Sandra. I buy your book to Elena Fuster. She talks me abaout you and your life and your book.
I read yesterday…i can’t say with words what i feel reading your book. I have two children. They are 7 and 5 years old. I can’t imagine them living in the street…It’s so hard…but your words, your vision of the world, of the people…you are a special person, really.
I hope that all your dreams make come true, the firts the library-cafe. Who knows, maybe someday a girl like me that lives in Barcelona can go to Bombay and see it…
I send you a big hug for you.
Thanks for your words…
Dear Amin:
I am so lazy and also I am thinking you haven’t any feeling in Spanish so here you have one.
No se quien va a leer esto pero quiero imaginar que es alguien que acaba de tropezar en esta página y quiere saber un poco más. Afortunadamente para mi he tenido la ocasión de conocer y compartir unos pocos momentos de mi existencia con Amin en los últimos años. He podido leer su libro y estoy viendo como vive su proyecto personal 24 horas al día.
Creo que hay una frase que resume todo “sonrie sin motivo”. Esta frasecita está significando viéndole a el un ejemplo de vida. Por como lo vive Amin, por la forma de perseguir un gran propósito y tercero, y no menos importante, por el ejemplo que me están dando las personas que conozco que están colaborando con el en Barcelona. Hablo de estas personas porque son las que he visto porque seguro hay muchísimas más que están aunque no sepa de ellas.
El libro nos cuenta la historia de un niño que sobrevive a la Bombay de los desfavorecidos, a una ciudad implacable con todas las miserias pero también de todas las grandezas, en forma de horfanato, que hacen que tras unos años no sólo salga adelante sino que encuentre eso, que se supone que debería de las pocas cosas sagradas en este mundo, que es cariño y apoyo en la fragil existencia de un niño.
Tenía todos los números para ser una persona marginal, violenta, malvada, rencorosa y, en vez de todo eso, me encuentro con una persona equilibrada, serena, empática, con un profundo sentido del milagro que es la vida en cada segundo que pasamos y que hay que aprovecharla, en su caso, para favorecer a esos otros niños, esos otros Amin, que se merecen la misma oportunidad que cualquier otro niño del mundo.
Conocerlo, leer su libro, ver las entrevistas que ha hecho, ver como busca hacer realidad su cafe/biblioteca, donde otros niños/jovenes podrán acceder a un trabajo digno, formarse y desarrollarse, me hace estar agradecido por el privilegio que está siendo vivir toda esta experiencia y me hace recordar que la magia está dentro de nosotros pero que tenemos que creer en ella.
Dear Amin
Just want to thank you for writing the story of your life.Which is not so easy when a person has gone through so much.The following words are apt for you “You cannot give your life a brand New start But You can give it a Brand New end”.
You have truly utilized the opportunities that came your way.You are a living example for today’s youth who ready to give up or quit life.
May your book create ripples of Faith,Hope and Love-these
YOU are Pride of Snehasadan and YOU made every house parent of Snehasadan PROUD.
God Bless you in all your future endeavours.
“Life is life I am Because of you”Somewhere deep within these words strike a cord in the hearts of each human soul.
Thanks once again for sharing the story of your life.
Bonjour AMIN,
Je viens de lire votre livre, OUI, c’est vous qui l’avez écrit AMIN!!
Vous nous racontez tous les chemins que vous avez dû emprunter durant votre jeunesse, comme malheureusement beaucoup d’enfants des rues de BOMBAY.
Vous avez narré votre parcours d’une telle façon, et avec une immense pudeur, que vos lecteurs ne peuvent, en aucun cas, en être choqués, malgré les horreurs que vous avez dû subir, de même que tous les petits AMINs des rues de BOMBAY.
Dés que je l’ai commencé, il ne m’a plus été possible de le quitter sans l’avoir fini!
Tout ce qui jalonne votre vie, prouve que, malgré les hauts mais aussi les très-bas, avec un courage hors du commun, vous avez réussi à réaliser votre rève.
Je souhaite que “LIFE IS LIFE” soit lu par le plus grand nombre possible, d’habitants dans le Monde pour qu’enfin et grâce à vous! “et à nous tous réunis!”, tous les Petits AMINs sortent des ornières d’où ils n’auraient jamais dû tomber.
BRAVO AMIN, et aussi UN GRAND MERCI, je suis de tout coeur avec vous pour la finalisation de votre projet. C’ EST UNE GRANDE CAUSE!!!!
Hey Amin,
How are you? My editor, Hemal Ashar gave me your book to read and I fell in love with it. I would love to do a story on you… Kindly send me your contact details so we can meet up and have an interview.
I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
My dear Amin,
I am a Jesuit priest like Fr. Placie. I met you for a short time in Snehasadan this year on the 3rd of January.
A few days ago I read your book, and I want to THANK you and CONGRATULATE you for it! It is written with your heart and that is why it is so moving. I was deeply touched! I read with great interest about your sufferings and struggles, your dreams and your determination to make them a reality, and the great things you have achieved since that time when you first ran away from home. I ADMIRE YOU, AMIN! And I must confess that reading your book, I have felt so close to you, that I feel as if we had become friends.
I pray to God, Amin, that he will continue to be with you and bless all your undertakings and fulfil all your dreams. I am sure that with your book and with your life, you will do a lot of good to many children who like you have been deprived of the love they were entitled to.
With my love and my prayers,
Philip Terrasa, S.J.
Dear Amin, a book of great value given by Nicolas my intention, I read with enthusiasm and a lot of emotions, I am a big fan of India because I traveled ten times in North India New Delhi, Old Delhi and misery is also presented, Agra where I met despite that children and people smiling and where I could immerse myself in their everyday since I talked Hindi ‘we must Jaipur, Udaipur and Vanarasi and desert Thaar and Jaisalmer and I have a friend who is a jeweler in this city, I lived in a Hindu family and I met courageous women and always cheerful when I left it, each year as a tear as I was a long time to get over
I embrace you and wish you success God is there to help us achieve our dreams
(I live in Corsica beautiful island) If one day your heart tell you summers Bien Venu
Dear Amin,
My name is Jenny Gustafsson, I’m a Swedish, Beirut-based journalist + editor. Currently in India, in your city Mumbai. Read a notice about your book in Time Out Mumbai and went immediately to Kitab Khana and bought the book. It’s fantastic! Written so beautifully and, it seems, straight from the heart. Thank you for sharing all these events from your life, and for giving us readers a glimpse of how life is for kids on the streets.
The book has had me thinking. If I could, I would love to share your story with others. It has so much, and it really teaches you about life. How life take so many turns, and how kids can end up in all these (bad and good) situations only due to circumstances. I would be really really glad if you would have time to meet up and maybe I could get to know more. If so, that would be much appreciated.
If you are in Mumbai at the moment, I will be here for another two-three weeks.
Thanks for your time!
How i got to know about you was destiny, after i read your book i was inspired and once i met you it was like magic…i would like to Thank you for sharing your life story with me for being and inspiration and for being the best guy i ever met…when i met you you gave me this positive vibe…you are happy, positive,kind and you have a strong and beautiful soul with a charming smile…the tour that you gave us of Bombay shows how much you love the city..I came back to Malta with something missing because i left a piece of me in Bombay. My last day with you in Bombay was a really special one that i will treasure with me all my life. Thank you for making this possible… Always keep this attitude and always believe in your DREAMS. I can’t wait to meet you again. lot’s of love from Malta.
Hi Amin, just wanted to share with you my feelings about your book.
It is one of the most amazing and heartfelt books I have ever come across.
The way you put into words what you’ve experienced and felt brought tears to my eyes.
to think that a person after going through so much hurt in their lives can come out so strong and confident about themselves, makes for a wonderful role model.
And your words are so sincere and true and honest that you have actually made yourself vulnerable with your thoughts and feelings so much so that the reader finds themselves fixated on who you really are.
And before I forget to mention, Sr. Seraphine happens to be my neighbours sibling.
I found out only after seeing her picture with you.
I took the book with me to church today and showed it to her and I can see that she is truly proud of the person you are today that she was on the verge of having tears in her eyes.
she taught me in school when I was a child, but it didn’t occur to me who she was because I never knew her name.
I hope and pray that all your dreams come true because after reading your book, I’ve learned that it doesn’t hurt to dream big.
you have one shot in life to make something of yourself and you took the chance and you succeeded.
Many thanks for your words and your insights, they are full of encouragement and inspiration.
Do keep in touch.
Its like you read my mind! You appear to know
a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it
or something. I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is
great blog. A fantastic read. I will definitely be back.